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LED Tube Lighting Pty Ltd

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LED Tube Lighting Pty Ltd is an LED lighting manufacturers located in Brisbane. We manufacturer our own brand of LED tube for ceilings and commercial refrigerators. We also wholesale a variety of other LED lighting products such as LED panels, designer LED lights and flexible LED neon for signage, decoration and feature lighting.

Our range of LED tube include inexpensive integrated tube fixtures that the replace fluorescent fixture and tube. We also sell Dimmable tubes, motionsensor tubes, and tubes with other smart functions.    


Our speiality is energy saving retrofit LED tubes. When fitted to existing fluorescent fixtures our LED tubes reduce wattage cosumption by more than half and can reduce electricity bills by thousands.      

Shed 14, 15 Landy St
Northgate, QLD 4013
Phone 07 30400331 or 0432777586
Added: 27 October 2014 7:18am
Last Edited: 26 July 2016 9:48pm
LED Tube Lighting Pty Ltd
LED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty LtdLED Tube Lighting Pty Ltd
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