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Keppel Coast Steel Frames and Trusses

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Keppel Coast Steel Frames & Trusses is a locally owned and operated truss & steel frame supplier. We manufacture premium steel house frames designed for durability and remarkable strength to provide you with the best frames and trusses available. Our high quality steel frame systems are also made to be easy to use for all trades. Our craftsmanship is second to none and we are committed to providing you with the best possible service. We provide industry leading service in the following areas:


Steel Trusses – We use modern engineering methods to manufacture trusses that are of the highest quality, reliable and capable of being used in a range of projects.


Steel Wall Frames – Designed with tradies in mind, our wall frames make it easy to combine electrical and plumbing services. They are also manufactured for ease of assembly and long lasting performance.


Steel Rafters – The sound structural engineering behind our rafters makes them easy to secure, light weight and physically better than traditional roofing options.  


Steel Floor Joists – We use a precise manufacturing process to create joists that are extremely efficient to tie down, making your job proceed faster, and they can seamlessly replace timber.


Steel Beams, Purlins and Bearers – Steel is a strong resilient cost effective material. Combine those attributes with its versatility and you get an incredibly effective product that is perfect for bearers, beams and purlins.


For superior steel house frames, get in touch with our friendly and experienced team today for an obligation free quote by calling 0475 047 986 or by using our contact form.

1 Macadamia Dr
Hidden Valley, QLD 4703
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Added: 29 November 2024 12:38pm
Last Edited: 29 November 2024 12:38pm
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