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Natural Breath

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  • Phallosan Forte

    Phallosan Forte is a medical centre for the treatment of urological conditions without the use of su...

Thetahealing is transforming thousands of peoples lives across the globe. Allow yourself to BREAK FREE from limiting belief systems that have been holding you back in all areas of your life. 

Thetahealing allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind from your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from creating happiness, love, success, wellness and abundance. Thetahealing is a powerful tool and spiritual technique which is easy and fun to learn.

“If there is only one energy-technique that you learn, let it be this one. The ThetaHealing technique will change your life forever. The technique is so simple it is perfect. It does not demand anything from you, or that you give up any other teachings. The ThetaHealing technique transcends dogma and goes beyond all religions yet is accepting of them all. Just as Christ said, “All these things you can do and more,” In the ThetaHealing technique you will learn that nothing is impossible if you dare to believe.

122 Waverley Street
Annerley, QLD 4103
Phone 0450652257 or 0450652257
Added: 14 August 2019 12:24pm
Last Edited: 14 August 2019 12:24pm
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