Shannon Gardiner Hypnosis
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Past Life Hypnosis with Shannon Gardiner
What if we do not have just one life? What if we have many? Is there something we could use to access the memories of those lives? The answer is, of course, yes, all that is required is an open mind and a willingness follow your guide, Shannon, on a very comfortable, relaxing and safe journey into your subconscious. Imagine the amazing things you could discover about yourself! We have all lived good lives, bad lives, painful lives and wonderful lives. With Shannon's help, you are able to safely explore any or even all of them.
Using Past-Life hypnosis, Shannon can lead you on a safe inner journey to help you on your path as your soul journies through this life. Unlocking your soul's memories through its many incarnations is an incredible journey of self-discovery and your place in the universe.
Whether you have any conscious awareness of your past lives or not you will find Shannon to be a skilful and helpful guide as you ease into you subconscious together.
Past-Life regression is a simple and fulfilling way to access your soul's deep memories. Time and time again, hypnosis has been shown to allow people to accurately recall events they know they have experienced but had not retained in conscious memory.
Past Life Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can support you to achieve your full potential.
About Shannon
Shannon became a qualified hypnotherapist under the training of Peter Smith, the then and current President of the New York-based Newton Institute, then went on to complete her Past Life Regression training through the Newton Institute as well as attending an in-depth workshop with Dr Brian Weiss in 2011. Shannon has been a practising hypnotherapist since graduation in 2010.
Her qualifications have given her the ability to go into any area of hypnosis, however, she finds spiritual hypnosis, such as past-life regression, the most interesting, inspiring and fulfilling both personally and professionally.
Cost and What to expect
$50 plus bonus* for a session which takes about an hour and a half generally.
A session typically starts by talking consciously about any prior experience and what your desired outcome is for the session then Shannon takes you into a very comfortable and enjoyable trance where you will be able to remember and be aware of where you are and everything that happens.
Once in hypnosis, there is no typical session, every session is completely unique to you, your beliefs, spirituality and where you are in your cosmic journey when you have it.
The subconscious is a very different place to the conscious mind and will present what it wants to present regardless of what you would consciously like to achieve. Shannon's approach to this is to safely navigate a path and work with the subconscious to find your spiritual message.
*bonus, Shannon wants to make this incredible experience accessible to everyone, therefore she offers this experience for the very low price of $50 however if you feel your experience is worth more and you can afford to pay more she would like you to pay whatever you feel the experience is worth, she has had people pay nothing extra to $1000 it is entirely up to you.