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KISS Principle Success Coaching and Holistic Life Dynamics

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KISS Principle Success Coaching and Holistic Life Dynamics has been established to facilitate people through massive change in their lives using powerful techniques including Mindfulness, Meditation, The Demartini Method, Accessing Power through Brain Rhythms, NLP and other powerful coaching and facilitation methods, Jen can show you how to create effective change in any area of your life now! Where will you be in 5 years time - experiencing life the same way it is today? Is this as good as it gets for you? 

If you continue to do the same things and think the same way you always have, you can only expect to have the same results!

It’s time to think outside the box and have a new perspective on where you’re going and how to get there!

Jen offers appointments outdoors and for walk and talk therapy sessions in the greater Brisbane region, via phone, or skype. Appointments necessary.  

Who is Jen Hall?

Jen (Jennifer) Hall is a dedicated counsellor, life coach, psychotherapist and mindfulness meditation facilitator. Jen is also a published author, group leader and trainer in the field of personal transformation.

Jen believes that awareness, acceptance and understanding are keys to experiencing change in any area of life.

Jen offers people the opportunity to experience change in what ever area of their life perceive as out of balance. In 1995 Jen’s journey led her to a path of Personal Transformation. As a single Mum with two great children she first began studying and then facilitating different methods of transformation, healing and behavioural techniques: she has learned to transform her perception and through that transformation, has created a whole new life experience of balance and success. As a result Jen says to those feeling challenged: “We are what we think, we create what we are: What are you thinking right now? Would you like to find a way to have a magnificent life?” After over 25 years in this field Jen is truly inspired and dedicated to helping others in breaking through the barriers to living a purposeful and magnificent life.

Contact Jen for more details

Clontarf, QLD 4019
KISS Principle Success Coaching & Counselling
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Added: 14 March 2011 10:05am
Last Edited: 28 July 2019 1:55am
KISS Principle Success Coaching and Holistic Life Dynamics
KISS Principle Success Coaching and Holistic Life Dynamics KISS Principle Success Coaching and Holistic Life Dynamics
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