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Krause Health and Safety - Brisbane

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Established in 1996 by the late William Krause (Big Bill), Krause Health and Safety provides professional Health, Safety and Training consultancy services to Mount Isa and the greater North West. As of January 2021, Krause Health and Safety also services the Greater Brisbane region of South East Queensland. Krause Health and Safety’s experienced team consists of an extensive background in mining, First Aid, Construction and Work Health and Safety. Over the years Krause Health and Safety has adapted to the demands of the industry requirements and diversified into online training. This has made training more accessible with eLearning courses being launched, allowing learning from the comfort of your own surroundings. In 2020 Krause Health and Safety added a purpose designed and built portable Working at Heights and Confined Space training platform to their fleet. This is an innovative way to deliver training to more workplaces and locations throughout the North West and beyond.

952 Ipswich Road
Moorooka, QLD 4105
Added: 28 July 2021 4:07pm
Last Edited: 28 July 2021 4:07pm
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