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BJNorth Surveyors

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BJNorth Surveyors provides the full range of Cadastral, Engineering and Mapping Surveying services across a broad range of projects including, but not limited to, Government, Airports, infrastructure, mining and development projects with an emphasis on taking projects from conception through to operational status.

Our experience means we understand survey is one of the services in a broad spectrum of services required for the delivery of large projects. We pride ourselves in our reputation and ability to work collaboratively with other consultants ensuring the delivery of the best project outcomes for our clients.

16, 303 Earnshaw Road
Northgate, QLD 4013
Phone (07) 3102 0860 or 0459 211 996
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Added: 27 May 2021 12:14pm
Last Edited: 27 May 2021 12:14pm
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