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My Skin Spa

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Everyday clients tell me how confused they feel about what treatments to undertake, who's advice to follow & what to put on & into their skin. There is no doubt 'beauty' industry marketing, 'fountain of youth' promises & lack of integrity - all come together to form a perfect storm of confusion for most clients. My goal has always been to cut through the bull we all hear on a daily basis to educate clients, so they can in turn make informed decisions about what treatments they undertake & what they put on & into their skin. So let's start at the beginning, with your skin function.

Scientific research into the skin and its function indicates that there is an abundance of cell-to-cell communication. If we can deliver active ingredients to the deeper layers of the epidermis (stratum spinosum) we are in turn supplying these cells with all the nutrients they require to function in optimal health and to make their return journey to the outer most layer of our skin (stratum corneum) easier, thus providing you with a balanced, healthy and glowing complexion. The aim of any skin care clinician when treating skin should always be to maintain the skin barrier in its natural condition. This can only be achieved using external agents that are able to repair the natural barrier and importantly, will not impair regeneration from within. We have all heard it seems every other person saying "I have a peel once a month", "micro-dermabrasion will fix everything" or "IPL Photo Rejuvenation is a quick fix" - all of which could not be further from the truth, as not all treatments & products are created equally.

There are three simple words I would like you to apply to any treatment or product, they are Repair, Replenish & Regenerate. As our body's largest organ, our skin needs to be protected and nourished. Just by following a basic skin care regime it is possible to protect the skin from everyday wear and tear and assist in combating environmental stresses such as pollution, sun and wind, exposure, lack of sleep, poor diet choices and work or lifestyle pressures. Go to our blog on our website for more information.

The Anchorage Suite 4,10-20 Masthead Dr,
Cleveland , QLD 4163
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Added: 1 February 2020 8:25pm
Last Edited: 1 February 2020 8:25pm
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